Another design I have is called the hard mounted XLR. I have them in black and in silver. they are gold pin XLR by switch craft and top of the line quality. These old vintage cords and connectors are hard to find and wear out over the years. So I designed a wired in, screwed in, version of a modern standard connector called the XLR. I can add it to just about any mic or I can even add it to old switch boxes too. And for a fraction of the cost of a vintage cord, they are only 25.00 to add to the mic. From that point on you can use any XLR standard cord. Now I do have a friend name Bob on my friends list who sales and adapter that just screws on, that he can just mail to you. He sales these for around 40.00, see his link two pictures below this one.. If rewiring your mic or changing the look of your mic is not something you would like to do.. Contact my friend Bob Beck and get one of his Quick change over adapters check out his products in the picture below. You can email him at or look for his products on Ebay by going to his store. His Username there is bluetraderbob. Tell him Mutant Mics Sent you!